Dog Training Club
of Salinas Valley
Teaching YOU to Train your Dog
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Rescue Organizations - Northern California
AKC Breed Rescue Groups
AKC Parent Breed Clubs - Search
AKC Links
AKC Forms
Obedience / Rally Regulations
Agility Regulations
Tracking Regulations
Education Handouts
Dog Info Links
Boarding - Local
Dog Foods
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Looking for a good Dog...
City of Salinas Animal Shelter
Monterey County Animal Services
Marina Animal Shelter
Santa Cruz Animal Animal Shelter
SPCA - Monterey
SPCA - Santa Cruz
SPCA - San Francisco
Animal Friends Rescue Project - Pacific Grove CA
NorCal Aussie Rescue
Aussie Rescue SoCal, Inc.
Border Collie Rescue of Northern California
Bouvier Rescue
NorCal Boxer Rescue
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Rescue
Dogworks Doberman Rescue
Golden Gate English Springer Spaniel Rescue
German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California
German Shepherd Rescue of Sacramento Valley
NorCal Golden Retriever Rescue
Jack Russell Terrier Rescue
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
National Breed Club Rescue Network
Newfoundland Rescue
Nike Animal Rescue Foundation
Bay Area Keeshond Rescue
Rottweiler Rescue
NorCal Sheltie Rescue
Bay Area Siberian Husky Rescue